Copyright © 1988-2024   ZODIAC® All rights reserved.  E:


2nd Floor, Dah Sing Life Building, 99-105 Des Voeux Road Central

Central, Hong Kong

T: +852 8120 9256    F: +852 2287 5002


FMC Bed Bug Detector (Verifi)

    ZODIAC ®

Founded in 1988, we are an innovative chemical product design and manufacturing company. We have experienced research resources that enable us to work closely with our clients to undertake R&D functions for product enhancement. Our manufacturing facilities are reliable and quality-assured and can be tailored to meet client’s unique production requirements. If necessary, we can outsource part of our productions to distributed affiliated factories to protect client’s confidential manufacturing information. In terms of logistics, we leverage our office in Hong Kong and low-cost but skillful manufacturing base in Guangzhou, China to source necessary production materials/ solutions/ tooling globally and provide cost-effective and timely finished product delivery worldwide. We have the experience and knowledge to apply for the right documentations (e.g. licenses/ permits) for shipping dangerous chemical goods. In summary, we aim to provide one-stop shop collaboration to our clients.